15-O group

19 May 2021
Тема: Air pollution and its consequences.
забруднення повітря та його наслідки (Контроль навичок читання) 

1. Task.Read the text and do the following exercises after it . (Прочитайте текст та виконайте наступні вправи після нього.

Air pollution is the addition of harmful substances to the atmosphere, which results in damage to the environment, human health, and quality of life. It happens inside homes, schools, and offices; in cities; across continents; and even globally. Human beings first experienced harm from this form of pollution when they made fires in caves. Most air pollution comes from human activity: burning fossil fuels—natural gas, coal, and oil—to power industrial processes and motor vehicles. Between 1900 and 1970, motor vehicle use rapidly expanded, and emissions of very damaging pollutants in vehicle exhaust, increased 690%. Among the harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere are carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. Some of these pollutants also come from natural sources, like forest fires or volcanic eruptions, and agriculture. The severity of pollution depends on the type and amount of pollutants emitted. Air pollution is subject to weather patterns that can blow it across the globe and damage environments far from the original sources. It harms plants, animals, and the ecosystems in which they live - and causes breathing problems and promotes cancer. Some air pollutants return to Earth in the form of acid rain and snow. Acid rain is created when a mixture of gases react with sunlight, ozone and water vapour in the atmosphere. Acid can be carried over long distances by wind, and be released in rain, mist or snow. Acid rain results in the destruction of forests and other plant life. It washes vital nutrients out of the soil weakening the trees and limiting their growth, because it reduces their resistance to extremes of weather. Over millions of square kilometres of forests have suffered from the effects of acid rain. Millions of trees are dead, or dying. Acid rain also affects wildlife as it reacts with the soil releasing metals, which are washed into rivers and lakes. They, in turn, become so acidic that they cannot support fish population. Acid rain can also corrode buildings.

2. Task. Answer the questions (Дати відповіді на питання) - ПИСЬМОВО!!
  1. How can “air pollution” be defined?
  2. Is air pollution a new phenomenon? Where did it first occur?
  3. What brought about the increase in the pollution level in the 20th century?
  4. What processes is air pollution caused by? What are the main pollutants?
  5. What role do wind patterns play in air pollution?
  6. How seriously does air pollution affect people?
  7. What causes acid rain? What problems does it bring for the environment?
3. Task. Find the synonyms to the words in the text ( Знайдіть синоніми до поданих слів у тексті і запишіть їх)!!

1. Person - 
2. Quickly - 
3. Go up - 
4. Kind - 
5. Troubles - 
6. Damage -
7. Go down - 
8. Influence -
9. Far away -
10. Occur - 

28 April 2021
Тема: Influence of people on the
environment. Deforestation 
Вплив людей на довкілля. Вирубування лісів 

1. Task. Revision of the previuos material (повторення попереднього матеріалу)- ПИСЬМОВО!!!!

2. Task. Reading the text "Deforestation" (прочитайте текст та виконайте 3 завдання після тексту ПИСЬМОВО!!!! в зошитах)

3.Task. Lexical exercises Лексичні вправи (виконуємо в зошитах!!!)

- заповнити пропуски в реченнях 

21 April 2021
Тема: Earth in danger. Pollution
Земля в небезпеці. Забруднення

1. Task. Work with presentation Опрацюйте презентацію та випишіть з неї всі слова по темі з перекладом!!! 

2. Task. Lexical exercises Match the meaning  Лексичні вправи- вгадай значення- ПИСЬМОВО !!!

4,6,9,11 речення з попередньої вправи перекласти ПИСЬМОВО в зошитах!

Task 3 . Divide into two columns - розподілити на дві колонки слова

14 April 2021
Тема:  Environment problems
Проблеми довкілля

1. Task. Introduction the new vocabulary (введення нової лексики)

Записати в зошити з перекладом !!!

 Нафтові плями
2. Глобальне потепління 
3. Полярні крижані шапки
4. Забруднення 
5. Тропічні ліси 
6. Багаторазового використання 
7. Відновлюваний 
8. В небезпеці 
9. Вимираючий 
10. Аерозоль/спрей 
11. Клімат 
12. Парниковий ефект 
13. Біологічно розкладатися 
14. Баланс 
15. Бойовий 
16. Руйнування 
17. Кислотний дощ 
18. Біорізноманітність 
19. Засуха
20. Ерозія
21. Вихлопні гази
22. Міндобрива 
23. Енергія вітру 
24. Вуглекислий газ 

 2.Task.Read and translate the text 
Робота з підручником В.Буренко Англійська мова 10 клас ,впр 3, ст. 170-171 
- текст читати ,перекладати УСНО;
- підібрати твердження A,B,C,D,E після тексту до абзаців і перекласти їх ПИСЬМОВО!!!

3. Watch the video and fill the chart
Подивіться відео і заповніть схему
"Наслідки глобального потепління!!

07 April 2021

Тема: Different types of natural disasters 

Task 1. Work with presentation (перегляньте презентацію)

Task 2. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the box (заповніть пропуски відповідними словами з таблички)
Are you ready for a thunderstorm?

If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to the storm to be struck by ….1). Go to the safe shelter immediately! Avoid using the telephone or any electrical…2). If you are in the forest, take shelter under the …3) trees. If you are boating or swimming, get to land and find …4). Go to the low-lying, open places away from trees, poles and … 5) objects. People struck by lightning may be burned but they carry no electrical charge. Give first …6)! If breathing has stopped, begin …7) breathing. …8) for help!!Get someone to dial your local Emergency Medical Services number. 

call, lightning, metal, shorter, rescue, appliances, shelter, aid

Task 3. Match the parts of the sentences (з`єднайте частини речень)

1. At the Earth`s surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by vibration,….
2. Many of earthquakes` damages could possibly be avoided by better…
3. Lava produced during the eruptions, leaves the volcano and…
4. Volcanic ash may form a cloud, even ...

a) destroys many buildings and plants it encounters.
b) shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground.
c) construction, safety systems, early warning and evacuation planning.
d) small quantities will harm people.

31 Match 2021

Тема: Natural disasters
Природні катастрофи 

1. Task Introduction of vocabulary 
Введення нової лексики 

Write down the new words in your copybooks (записати в зошит з відповідним перекладом)

List of Natural Disasters and Severe Weather

  • Snowstorm
  • Avalanche
  • Flood
  • Landslide
  • Lightening
  • Earthquake
  • Forest fire
  • Fog
  • Storm
  • Volcanic eruption
  • Drought
  • Rain
  • Drizzle
  • Explosion
Task 2. Do the crossword 

18 January 2021
Тема: National cuisine in

Ukraine. Національна кухня України.
Task 1. Watch the presentation. Ознайомтеся з матеріалами презентації 

Task 2. Cross out the odd word. (Викресліть зайве слово) - ПИСЬМОВО!!

  • Borsch, varenyky, pen, deruny, holodets, lard

  • Homemade sausage,pampushki ,golubtsi, butter, cheese, teacher

  • Drinks, grilled vegetables, lamp,desserts, appetizers, ham

  • Garnishes, book,meat, tea,water,yogurt

  • Window,pie,biscuit,sandwich,salad,soup

  • Pudding,pizza, fish, door, milk, cucumber

Task 3. Guess the dish according to its description. Вгадайте страву відповідно до опису. (Письмово!!) 
Mlyntsi, holubtsi, kholodets, domashnia kovbasa, salo, borshch,varenyky, deruny. 

21 December 2020

Topic: Food: countable and uncountable 

30 November 2020

Тема: Food and drinks. Їжа та напої. 
1. Task Introduction of a new vocabulary. Ведення нової лексики - запишіть слова в зошити з перекладом. 

2. Task. Do the interactive test -виконайте інтерактивний тест,перейдіть за посиланням 

23 November 2020
Тема: Sport activities. Спортивні заходи. 
Task 1. Do the test -перейдіть за посиланням 

09 November 2020
Тема: The best sportmen of Ukraine. Найкращі спортсмени України. 

Task 1. Read about some famous Ukrainian sportsmen and fill in the table. (прочитайте про деяких відомих спортсменів і заповніть таблицю)- ПИСЬМОВО!!!


Date of birth: 29 September 1976 (Dvirkivshchyna, Kyivska oblast, Ukrainian SSR).

Andriy Shevchenko is a Ukrainian footballer who plays for Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukraine national team as a striker. He is the third-highest scorer in the history of European club competition with 63 goals. The most prestigious of Andriy’s awards were the Golden Ball and the UEFA Cham­pions League in 2003 with Milan.


Dates of birth: Vladimir – 25 March 1976 (Semipalatinsk, Kazakh SSR), Vitali – 19 July 1971 (Belovodsk, Kirghiz SSR) in family of Ukrainians.

Vitali Klichko, older brother, is the current WBC world heavyweight champion. He has the highest knockout percentage (95%) of any heavy­weight boxing champion in overall fights and has never been knocked out or knocked down in any professional boxing bout. His younger brother, Vladimir Klichko, is a Ukrainian heavyweight boxer.


Date of birth: 15 August 1978 (Donetsk, Ukrainian SSR).

Liliya Podkopayeva is the 1996 Olympic all-around champion. She is widely regarded as one of the best gymnasts in history. She is the proud owner of 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals.


Date of birth: 29 July 1984 (Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR).

Anna Bessonova is the number one rhythmic gymnast in Ukraine. She won the bronze individual all around medals at the 2008 Beijing and 2004 Athens Olympics. Over the course of her career she has won 24 World Championship medals, 2 Olympic medals, 24 European Championship med­als and 10 World Cup medals (60 in total).


Date of birth: 4 December 1963 (Lugansk, Ukrainian SSR).

Serhiy Bubka is six times world champion (between 1983 and 1997), European champion in 1986 and Olympic champion in 1988. He broke the world record for men’s pole vaulting 35 times. He was the first to clear 6.0 metres and the first and only to clear 6.10 metres (20 ft). He holds the current outdoor world record of 6.14 metres in 1994 in Italy and the cur­rent indoor world record of 6.15 meters, set in 1993 in Donetsk, Ukraine.


Date of birth: 7 August 1982 (Simferopol, Crimea, Ukrainian SSR). Yana Klochkova is a Ukrainian swimmer, who has won five Olympic medals. 4 gold medals came in the 200 meter individual medley and the 400 meter individual medley at the 2000 and 2004 Summer Olympics. Her silver medal came in the 800 meter freestyle at the 2000 Summer Olympics.


Date of birth: 22 April 1974 (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukrainian SSR).

Vasyl Virastyuk is a strongman competitor from Ukraine. He competed in the finals of the World’s Strongest Man contest in 2003 (3rd place) and 2004 (1st place). As well he won the 2007 IFSA Strongman World Championship.


Date of birth

Kind of sport

Records, medals and achievements

Andriy Shevchenko




Klichko Brothers




Liliya Podkopaieva




Anna Bessonova




Serhiy Bubka




Yana Klochkova




Vasyl Virastyuk




02 November 2020
Тема: The history of the

Olympic Games. 
Історія Олімпійських ігор.  
1. Task Read the text and fill in the gaps with an appropriate word. 

The Olympic Games start their history in Ancient Greece in far 776 BC in the town Olympia. Several cities sent their best 1)… to compete in running, jumping, throwing discs, foot race and wrestling. The ancient games were held in 2)… of Zeus. The winner was 3)…. with laurel wreath. From the 4th till 19th centuries the Games were not held.

The revival of the Olympic Games in modern history is connected with the name of Pierre de Coubertin, 4)… has founded International Olympic Committee.  In 1896 the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens. De Coubertin suggested the motto of the Games: “Faster, Higher, 5)….”. Since that time the Games were held regularly every fourth year with the exception for the periods of the World Wars I and II. The opening and closing ceremonies are 6)…. at prime time and collect billions of spectators. Countries struggle for the chance to 7)…. the Olympic Games on their territories. Sportsmen get enormous grants for their 8)…. 














































2. Task Answer the questions (ПИСЬМОВО!!!)

1. When and where did the Olympic Games begin?

2. Who renewed the Olympic games?

3. When and where did the first modern Games take place?

4. What were the first kinds of sports in Ancient Greece?

5. How often do the Olympic Games held?

26 October 2020

Тема: Sport equipment. Team and pair kinds of sport. Спортивне знаряддя. Командні та парні види спорту. 

Task 1. Work with the textbook. Робота з підручником - перейдіть за посиланням!! 

Task 2. Match the place with the kind of sport (з'єднайте місце з видом спорту) 
1. Football.                     a) rink
2. Tennis.                        b) field
3. Basketball.                 c) football pitch
4. Water polo.                d) stadium 
5. Golf.                            e) alley 
6. Boxing.                        f) court 
7. Figure skating.          g) playground 
8. Cycling.                       h) track 
9. Bowling.                      i) swimming pool
10. Athletics.                  j) ring 

Task 3. Fill the gaps with the correct word (заповніть пропуски відповідним словом) !!!

19 October 2020
Тема: Sport in our life. Introducing a new
vocabulary. Спорт в нашому житті.
Task 1. Виконайте підсумкові інтерактивні вправи з попередньої теми- перейдіть за
Інструкція для виконання:
- переходите за посиланням і виконуєте завдання одразу на сайті;
- наприкінці виконання натискаєте FINISH і вводите мою електронну адресу aninka_shevchuk@ukr.net для отримання ваших результатів. 

Task 2. Introduction of a new vocabulary. Введення нової лексики по темі "Спорт" - запишіть нові слова в зошити з перекладом відповідно до малюнків. 

Task 3. Divide the following kinds of sports into 3 colomns (розподіліть види спорту на 3 колонки відповідно до дієслова, з яким вони вживаються)- ПИСЬМОВО!!

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