Шановні учні! Під час дистанційного навчання працюємо з вами в Classroom за посиланням
01 June 2020
Традиції англійського чаювання
1. Task. Read the text (Прочитайте текст УСНО!!! та виконайте післятекстове завдання)
Traditions of English Tea
Everyone knows that tea is the most popular drink in Britain. It's even more popular than coffee, which is favoured; throughout Europe and America. Britain is a tea-drinking nation. Every day they drink 165 million cups of the stuff and each year around 144 thousand tons of tea are imported.
Tea in Britain is traditionally brewed in a warmed china teapot, adding one spoonful of tea per person and one for the pot. Most Britons like their tea strong and dark, but with a lot of milk.
The Dutch brought the first tea to Europe in 1610. But it was not until 1658 that the first advertisement for tea appeared in a London newspaper. At that time a pound of the cheapest tea cost about one-third of a skilled worker's weekly wages. Tea was guarded by the lady of the house and kept in special containers, often with a lock and carefully doled out by the teaspoon. By 1750 tea had become the principal drink of all the classes in Britain.
Later, tea-drinking developed into a fashionable social ritual. Tea parties were popular at home and soon the ritual of "afternoon tea" was firmly established.
Their "high tea" at 5 o'clock is very famous. Tea is accompanied by ham, tomatoes and salad, bread and butter, fruit and cakes.
2. Task. Answer the questions (дати відповіді на питання - Письмово!!)
1.What is the most popular drink in Britain?
2. When did the Dutch bring first tea to Europe?
3. When did tea become the principal drink in Britain?
4.What is the way to brew tea in Britain?
5.And what drink do you like?
6.What do people pour in cup at first?
7.What is High tea
3. Work with presentation
4. Idioms with the word "tea" (фразеологізми зі словом "чай")
З'єднайте фразеологізм із його значенням- ПИСЬМОВО!!!)
1. Reading the tea-leaves -
2. Husband's tea -
3. Not for all the tea in China-
4. Easy as tea-drinking-
5. Storm in a tea-cup / a tea-kettle -
6. An old cup of tea-
7. An unpleasant cup of tea-
8. To be one's cup of tea-
а) буря в стакані
b) ні за які гроші, ніколи
c) подобатися комусь
d) гадати на кавовій гущі
e) неприємна людина
f) дуже легенька справа
g) слабенько заварений чай
h) стара жінка
4. Task. Do the following exercises ( виконайте наступні вправи- попередні текст та презентація вам допоможуть) - Письмово!!
25 May 2020
Історія заснування Макдональдс
1. Task. Watch the presentation and do the tasks after it (продивіться презентацію та виконайте завдання відповідно до неї)
- finish the following sentences
- Are these sentences True or False
- write the chronological chart
A year in the McDonald's history
1. 1937 -
2.1945 -
3. 1960s -
4. 1971 -
5. Present times -
2. Task. Listening Аудіювання. з одночасним виконанням завдань
Перейдіть за посиланням !!
(Відповіді на питання з аудіювання писати в ЗОШИТАХ!!!)
Перейдіть за посиланням !!
(Відповіді на питання з аудіювання писати в ЗОШИТАХ!!!)
18 May 2020
Історія піци . Лексичні вправи
1. Task. Read and translate the text
The history of pizza
Pizza has a long history. The ancient Greeks first had the idea of putting vegetables on large flat pieces of bread and pizza ovens have been found in the ruins of Roman cities.
But for centuries one important ingredient was missing - the first tomatoes were brought to Europe only in the 16th century from South America. In the 19th century Rafaele Esposito, a baker from Naples, began to sell the first modern pizzas. He was asked to bake a special pizza for a visit by the Italian King and Queen in 1889, and so the first pizza Margarita was created, named after the Queen.
Pizza became a favourite dish in Italy, but only after the Second World War, when thousands of American soldiers went home from Europe, pizza really became an international dish. Soon there were pizzerias all over the USA, and American chains like Pizza Hut, spread the idea around the world. Today the average American eats over 10 kilograms of pizza a year and the world's largest pizza (measuring 30 metres! across) was baked not in Italy but in Havana, Cuba!
2. Task. Do the True /False exercise according to the text (виконати вправу Правда/Неправда відповідно до тексту ПИСЬМОВО!!!!)
1.Today the average American eats over 10 kilograms of pizza a month.
2. Pizza is not an international dish today.
3. Romans first began to put vegetables on the bread.
4. The first pizza Margarita was named after the British queen.
5. The world's largest pizza was baked in Italy.
6. The world's largest pizza was 30 m long.
7. Rafaele Esposito, a baker from Italy, began to sell the first modern pizzas.
8. Soldiers were the first who brought pizza to Italy.
9. Pizza Hut is a famous food chain in America.
10. Tomatoes are very important ingredients in pizza.
3. Task. Find the synonyms to the following words in the text (знайдіть синоніми до поданих слів в тексті) -ПИСЬМОВО!!
1. Big -
2. Significant -
3. Invented -
4. Course -
5. All over -
6. At present -
7. Such as-
4.Task. Listen and do the interactive test - виконуємо одразу на сайті!!! Перейдіть за посиланням!!
5. Task. Write a recipe of an ideal pizza for you .Напишіть рецепт ідеальної піци для вас. !!!
04 May 2020
Історія гамбургера. Лексичні вправи
1. Reading the text (прочитайте текст та виконайте наступні завдання) ПИСЬМОВО!!!
History of the Hamburger
1_______The roots of a modern hamburger go back to the German city of Hamburg. According to historians, German immigrants to the United States brought the recipe for a dish of raw chopped beef mixed with egg. The Germans learned about the dish, now called Steak Tartar from the Russian sailors who visited Hamburg and brought along an appetite for food from their homeland. The Russians apparently learned about the dish from the Tartars.2________The first documented mention of a ham burg steak in the United States was in the 1830s. In 1896, a hamburger was included in the famous cookbook of Boston chef Fannie Farmer for the first time.
3________More than one person has claimed to be the creator of the modern hamburger sandwich. At various times in the late 1800s and early 1900s, cooks from Wisconsin, Connecticut Ohio, and Texas boasted of inventing the hamburger.
4_________The most widely reported story about the origin of the hamburger comes from the 1904 World's Fair. Fletcher Davis and his wife from Athens set up a food counter and sold ham burgers with hot mustard and a slice of onion. An article about the fair in St Louis was published in a New York newspaper, and it mentioned the sale of hamburgers but failed to include the name of the cook. Since then, the whole world has come to know the ham burger, but no one will ever know with absolute certainty, who really created it!
- Choose the best heading from the list for each part of the text.( Підібрати заголовки до кожного абзацу)
A Some sausages from Hamburg
B The first mention on the paper
C Who is a real creator?
D Some historical facts
E Boasting of invention
F All ingredients
- Do the tests and choose the best answer to each question (виконайте тести та оберіть найкращий варіант відповіді на питання)
1.How did the dish, now called Steak Tartar, come to Germany?
A It was brought by the Russian sailors.
B It was brought by the Native Americans.
C It was brought by the Tartars.
2. Where was a hamburg steak recipe written down first?
A In a menu
B In a cookbook
C In an encyclopedia
3. Who has claimed to be the creator of the modern hamburger sandwich?
A Immigrants
B Cooks
C Sailors
4. Where were hamburgers sold in 1904?
A At the World's Fair
B At a rodeo
C At the Big Sky Games
5. What did a New York newspaper fail to mention about the fair in St Louis?
A The World Fair
B Hamburgers
C The name of the cook
2. Task. Do the lexical exercise Лексична вправа (виконуємо у вигляді тестів - заповнити пропуски словами зліва)
3. Task. Do the CROSSWORD
Кросворд - виконуємо одразу на сайті!!! Перейдіть за посиланням!!
27 April 2020
Тема: What is fast food?
1.Task. Introduction of the vocabulary (введення лексики)
Записати в зошити з перекладом відповідно до малюнків!!!
2. Task. Reading the text Прочитайте текст та виконайте післятекстове завдання ПИСЬМОВО!!
- choose if the following sentences True or False!
3.Task. Do the interactive test (Виконайте ТЕСТ - перейдіть за посиланням) !! Виконуємо одразу на сайті!!
Fast food/Junk food
4. Task. Write an essay " What is better?"
Напишіть ессе "Що краще?" (5-6 речень)
13 April 2020
Британська vs американська англійська
1.Task. Listening Аудіювання (подивіться відео про основні відмінності між 2 видами англійської мови та запишіть їх в зошити!!!)
2. Task. Write down the schemes in your copybooks (запишіть схеми у зошити)
- відмінності у лексикі
Vocabulary differences
- відмінності у написанні
Spelling differences
3. Task. Do the interactive exercise
Письмово!!! ( Писати слова парами з перекладом )
1. Movie - film- фільм,кіно
2. Torch - flashlight-....
4. Task. Rewrite the paragraph in British English (перезапишіть абзац Британською англійською!!)
06 April 2020
Тема: The USA from "A" to " Z"
1. Task. Revise the previous information (повторення попередньої інформації) .Виконайте завдання ,перейдіть за посиланням
2. Task. Listening Аудіювання з одночасним виконанням завдань
Перейдіть за посиланням
2. Task. Listening Аудіювання з одночасним виконанням завдань
Перейдіть за посиланням
3. Task. Video "FEATURES OF THE USA"
Answer the question
What place in the USA would you like to visit?? and Why?? (Написати 4-5 речень)
4. Task. Work with PRESENTATION
5. Task. Fill the table (заповнити таблицю на зразок попередньої презентації) - варіанти СВОЇ!!!!!!
30 March 2020
1. Task Reading the text
The United States of America are situated in the central part of the North American continent. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast - by the Atlantic Ocean.
The total area of the USA is over nine million square kilometres.
The population of the USA is over 300 million people; most of the population lives in towns and cities.
The USA is a very large country, so it has several different climatic regions. The coldest regions are in the north and north-east. The south has a subtropical climate.
The United States is a land of rivers and lakes. The northern state of Minnesota is a land of 10,000 lakes. The longest rivers in the USA are the Mississippi, the Missouri and the Rio Grande. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada.
The United States is rich in natural and mineral resources. It produces copper, oil, iron ore and coal. It is a highly-developed industrial and agricultural country.
There are many big cities in the USA, such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and others. The national capital is Washington, D.C. Its population is about 3.4 million. Washington was built in the late eighteenth century as the centre of government. It was named after George Washington.
The USA became the world leading country at the beginning of the twentieth century
(Записати невідомі слова в зошити)
2. Task Lexical exercises (в зошитах письмово)
- скласти речення, розмістивши слова в правильному порядку
- викреслити зайве слово
3. Task Get acqainted with New York
Знайомство з містом Нью Йорк
- навчитися читати ;
- записати назви цих місць у Нью Йорк в табличку, розподіливши на 3 колонки
4. Task Work with presentation "New York City" - перегляньте презентацію
Завдання на заповнення пропусків по презентації !!!!
- записати назви цих місць у Нью Йорк в табличку, розподіливши на 3 колонки
4. Task Work with presentation "New York City" - перегляньте презентацію
Завдання на заповнення пропусків по презентації !!!!
23 March 2020
Тема: Natural wonders of America
1. Task Read the new information about some American places
Завдання до тексту (перейдіть за посиланням)
2. Lets travel around the 50 states of the USA
(Виконуємо в зошитах письмово)
Listening skills (аудіювання) "Parks of entertainment in the USA"
(Прослухайте діалог та виконайте завдання за цим же ш посиланням на сайті British Council)
3. Виконати КРОССЕНС
"Natural wonders of the USA"
Prompts (підказки)
1. Papakolea- beach with green sand on Hawaii
2. Thor's well
3. Rushmore mountain
4. Katmai national park
5. Caddo lake
6. Devil tower
7. El Capitan- the mount in the Yosemite National park
8. Grand Canyon
9. Monument Valley
10. Mesa Arch
11. Multnomah Falls in Oregon
12. Yellowstone National park
(Виконуємо Кроссенс в зошитах)
16 March 2020
Тема:Travelling about the USA
1. Task Read and traslate the text
In our days
everybody knows what the word "America " means. First of all
it is the name of the country — the United States of America — or just America . And
then America
is the name of two continents - North America and South America . These two continents, North and South America ,
form the part of the world
called America .
Christopher Columbus
discovered America
in 1492.
"In fourteen
hundred and ninety-two Columbus
sailed the ocean blue..."
This is a song that many children learn about
Christopher Columbus and his
journey to America .
We don't
know much about the man. He was born in Italy but lived in Spain for a
long time. He was a seaman and made many sea voyages. In 1492 the King and the Queen of
Spain gave him money to go
to India .
He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round. And after sailing
4000 miles [mailz] (6400
kilometres), he reached some land. Columbus
thought that it must be India
but it was not. It was a new land -a new continent. It was America — Central
America in fact. People began to speak about the land as "the New World ".
Виконати завдання Таблиця
Інтерактивна вікторина "How much do you know about the USA" (письмово в зошитах)
17 March 2020
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