12 May 2020
Тема: European Union and
Greepeace are among leaders
Європейський союз та Гринпіс- серед лідерів
( контроль навичок читання)
1. Task. Reading the text about Greepeace (прочитайте текст про Гринпіс та виконайте післятекстове завдання в зошитах!!!)
2. Task. Do the Interactive TEST "European Union"
3. Task. Test Виконати підсумковий тест - за посиланням!!!!
International organizations!!
06 May 2020
Тема: International organisations
Міжнародні організації
(контроль навичок письма) 1.Task Write down all the abbreviations (Записати всі скорочення -назви організацій в зошит)
- read and translate the text (текст читати, перекладати)- УСНО!!!
- answer the questions after the text in written form (дати відповіді на питання після тексту письмово!!!)
2.Task Select the appropriate acronyms from the list to fill in the blanks :
- The United Nations : _______
- The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.: ____________
- The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund : _______
- Food and Agriculture Organization : _______
- World Health Organization : _______
- International Labor Organization : _______
- Amnesty International : _______
- Doctors Without Frontiers : _______
- The World Bank : _______
- World Trade Organization : _______
- North Atlantic Organization : _______
- UN High commissioner for Refugees : _______
- The International Monetary Fund : _______
3.Task Reading Learn the functions of the world organisations (письмово!!)
Match each organisation in the list above with its corresponding mission:
- Provides humanitarian and developmental assistance to children in poor and developing countries : _________
- Safeguards and protects human including political prisoners’ rights : _________
- Provides medical care during natural and war disasters : : _________
- Gives loans to poor and developing countries to promote economic development : _________
- Protects and supports refugees : _________
- Founded in 1945 after World War II, to end wars between nations, and provide a platform for dialogue, peace, social and political justice : _________
- Aims at eradicating hunger and starvation in poor countries, and ensuring food security and good nutrition : _________
- Is concerned with public health : _________
- Seeks to promote labors rights : _________
- Promotes international collaboration through education, science, and culture to ensure universal respect for justice : _________
05 May 2020
Тема:The place of Ukraine in the world. Summing up
Місце України у світі. Підсумок
(Контроль навичок аудіювання)
(Контроль навичок аудіювання)
1. Task. Read and translate the text
- make up the title to each of the 9 paragraph;- write down 5 questions to the text and answer them.
2. Task. Read the text about Ukraine and fill the gaps (прочитати текст про Україну і заповнити пропуски) Письмово!!
3.Task. Listening. Аудіювання з одночасним виконанням завдань !!!
Video "Ukraine in my heart"
4. Task. Do the final TEST "What do you know about Ukraine"
Виконуємо письмово в зошитах!!!
29 April 2020
Тема: Relationship with
Відносини з міжнародними організаціями
1. Task. Revise the previous theme(повторення попередньої теми)
2.Task. Reading. Читання
Read and translate the text - УСНО!!
- дати відповіді на питання після тексту (ПИСЬМОВО!!)
3. Task. Lexical exercises
Match the expressions and make up sentences (з'єднайте вирази та складіть речення)- ПИСЬМОВО!!
4. Read the following information about the United Nations(UN)- УСНО!!
28 April 2020
Міжнародні відносини України
1.Task. Introduction the vocabulary
(введення лексики)
Prosperity, provide, aim, law, citizenship, inner market
…- the state of being successful, especially financially.
…- to give or supply something to somebody.
…-something that you intend to do or to reach .
…–an official rule of a country that says what a person , company , etc may or may not do.
…- the state of being a member of a particular society with obligations and functions .
…- situated within the area.
З'єднайте слова з їхнім значенням та здогадайтеся переклад . ПИСЬМОВО!!!
2.Task. Read and translate the text
"International relationship of Ukraine"-підручник В. Буренко Англійська мова 11 клас, ст. 137-138
Заповнити таблицю відповідно до тексту
3. Task. Let's get acquainted with European Union
Знайомство з ЄС
The European Union (EU) is a politico-economic union of states that are located primarily in Europe. The European integration has been providing for stability, peace and economic prosperity for the last 59 years. It helped to raise the level of living and create the inner market.
The European Union (EU) was created after the Word War II. Process of the European integration began on 9, May 1950 when France offered to “form the first foundation of the European federation”. At first six countries united – Belgium, Germany France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Today there are 28 members in the European Union.
The European Union is based upon the supremacy of the law and democracy. Its main aims are:
Creation if the European citizenship;
Guarantees of freedom, security and law;
Assistance in economic and social progress.
The main institution is the European Parliament which is elected every five years by citizens in the countries-participants.
- make up a plan to the text;
- write 3 questions to the text and answer them.
4. Task. Countries-members of the EU and their capitals
Запишіть столицю відповідно до назви країни і ,навпаки, країну відповідно до столиці.
22 April 2020
Політична система України
1.Task Introduction of the new vocabulary (введення нових лексичних одиниць)
З'єднайте правильний переклад та запишіть в зошити!!!!
2. Task Look through the scheme
2. Task Look through the scheme
3.Task Reading the text " Politicаl system of Ukraine" (читання тексту)
2.A new Constitution adopted on the 28th of June 1996 declared Ukraine a republic. It includes the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and 24 administrative regions.
3.The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and duties. Under the Constitution the powers of the government are divided into three branches.
4.The legislative power consists of the Verkhovna Rada, the executive power is headed by the President, and the judicial power is led by the Supreme Court.
5.The parliament - the Verkhovna Rada is the only body of the legislative power in Ukraine. There are 450 peoples deputies who are elected for a term of four years on the basis of universal, equal suffrage by the secret ballot.
6.The Verkhovna Rada`s main function is making laws. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget for the period from January 1 to December 31 and controls the execution of it. The monetary unit of Ukraine is the Hrуvnia.
7.The President of Ukraine is the head of the state and speaks on behalf of it. He is elected directly by the voters for a term of five years.
8.The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and is accountable to the Verkhovna Rada.
4. Answer the questions after the text
Дати відповіді на питання - Письмово!!!
1. When did Ukraine proclaim its independence?
2. When was Constitution of Ukraine adopted?
3. How many branches the powers are divided?
4. What does the legislative power consist of ?
5. How many deputies are elected for a term of four years?
6. What is a monetary unit of the executive power ?
7.What does Verkhovna Rada do?
The Political System of Ukraine
1.On the 24th of August, 1991, Ukraine proclaimed its independence. Nowadays Ukraine is a free independent state. By the form of government it combines the elements of presidential and parliamentary republic.2.A new Constitution adopted on the 28th of June 1996 declared Ukraine a republic. It includes the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and 24 administrative regions.
3.The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and duties. Under the Constitution the powers of the government are divided into three branches.
4.The legislative power consists of the Verkhovna Rada, the executive power is headed by the President, and the judicial power is led by the Supreme Court.
5.The parliament - the Verkhovna Rada is the only body of the legislative power in Ukraine. There are 450 peoples deputies who are elected for a term of four years on the basis of universal, equal suffrage by the secret ballot.
6.The Verkhovna Rada`s main function is making laws. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget for the period from January 1 to December 31 and controls the execution of it. The monetary unit of Ukraine is the Hrуvnia.
7.The President of Ukraine is the head of the state and speaks on behalf of it. He is elected directly by the voters for a term of five years.
8.The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and is accountable to the Verkhovna Rada.
4. Answer the questions after the text
Дати відповіді на питання - Письмово!!!
1. When did Ukraine proclaim its independence?
2. When was Constitution of Ukraine adopted?
3. How many branches the powers are divided?
4. What does the legislative power consist of ?
5. How many deputies are elected for a term of four years?
6. What is a monetary unit of the executive power ?
7.What does Verkhovna Rada do?
5. Task. The work with textbooks. Опрацювати підручник В.Буренко Англійська мова 11 клас, впр. 2, ст. 136 (УСНО!!!)
21 April 2020
Тема: Kyiv- the capital of Ukraine
Київ- столиця України
1.Task Introduction of the new vocabulary(введення нової лексики)
З'єднати та записати в зошити з перекладом!!!
2. Task Reading the text " Kyiv is the Hero City"
Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It's one of the oldest cities of Europe. Last year we celebrated the fifteen hundred twenty fourth anniversary of its foundation. There are many places of historic interest in it. Among them there are the Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra, the Golden Gate, the St. Sophias Cathedral and others.
Kyiv is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper river. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. One half of Kyiv's territory is occupied by parks and gardens. The population of Kyiv is about 3 millions.
Kyiv is a large political, industrial and cultural centre. Kyiv is a seat of the higher body of state power of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada.
Kyiv is a scientific centre. The Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and many research institutes are here. Kyiv's cultural life is rich and varied. There are many theatres, museums, exhibitions in Kyiv.
The national art of Ukraine (paintings, sculpture and drawings) is shown in the Museum of Ukrainian Art.
Kyiv's theatres are well-known not only in our country. The famous National Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre and other theatres are greatly appreciated by the Kyivites and the guests of the city.
The most important educational institutions of Ukraine are in Kyiv. The National Ukrainian University named after Shevchenko is in the centre of the capital. Just opposite the famous red building of the University there is a fine park well-known to the Kyivites. In the centre of the park there is a nice monument to the great Ukrainian poet, whose name the University bears.
Kyiv is famous for its monuments. The monument to Prince Volodymyr in the picturesque park on the Dnieper hills has become a symbol of the ancient city.
Kyiv is the Hero-City. In the park of Immortal Glory there is an obelisk in honour of those who fell in the battles of the Second World War.
3.Task After reading tasks (Письмово)
- write down unknown words ( виписати невідомі слова);
- make up the titles to the paragraphs (підібрати заголовки до абзаців);
- write down 3 questions to the text ( поставити три запитання до тексту).
- write down unknown words ( виписати невідомі слова);
- make up the titles to the paragraphs (підібрати заголовки до абзаців);
- write down 3 questions to the text ( поставити три запитання до тексту).
4.Task Listening Trip around Kyiv
5. Task Work with presentation
" The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv" (робота з презентацією)
6.Task. According to the presentation
(Визначити : правдиве чи неправдиве твердження)- письмово!
15 April 2020
Географічне положення України
1. Task. Read the text "Ukraine" Всі невідомі слова виписати в зошити!!!
- визначте чи наступні твердження Вірні або Невірні.
3.Task. Solve the crossword ПИСЬМОВО!!!
14 April 2020
Україна- наша Батьківщина
1. Task. Work with presentation "Ukraine" - продивіться презентацію
2. Task Make up and answer the questions (скласти і відповісти на питання - ПИСЬМОВО)
3. Task Make up a dialogue
(Скласти діалог, розмістивши фрази у правильному порядку) ПИСЬМОВО
4. Task. Do the TEST " Ukraine in the world"
08 April 2020
Тема: Ukraine in the world
Записати переклад до цих слів:
Батьківщина, Україна, держава, козак, незалежний,гімн,прапор, тризуб.
2. Task. Fill the chart (заповнити "Географічну схему"
· Official name:
· Area:
· Extensions:
· Borders on:
· Washed by:
· Mountains:
· Population:
· Main rivers :
· Capital:
· Cities:
· Climate:
3.Task Reading the text "Symbols of Ukraine"
- Завдання після тексту True or False ПИСЬМОВО!!!
- Всі невідомі слова виписати з перекладом в зошити.
07 April 2020
Тема: Lexical exercises. Noun
1. Task. Put the nouns according to the alphabet (запишіть іменники за алфавітом)
Wool, air, airship, word, aviation, assistance, assistant, paper, hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, glass, hero, sand, music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, copper, armchair, coffee, ship, coin, university, money, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, timber, tree, idea, ice, furniture, chalk, heat, cow, milk, butter, horse, obligation, machine, equipment, instrument, speed, umbrella.
2. Task. A little bit grammar УСНО!!!
(Множина іменників- запам'ятайте)
Regular Plural Forms
We form the plural of a noun with the singular + s | ||
parrot – parrots | apple – apples | girl – girls |
Nouns ending with y if a consonant is written before. ----> ies | ||
lolly – lollies | story – stories | strawberry – strawberries |
but: boy – boys | toy - toys | bay - bays |
Nouns ending with ch, x, s, sh, o ----> es | ||
class – classes | brush – brushes | box – boxes |
Some nouns ending with f, fe, lf ----> ves | ||
knife – knives | wolf – wolves | life – lives |
but: chiefs, safes, cliffs, handkerchiefs |
Irregular Plural Forms
man - men | woman - women | tooth - teeth |
goose - geese | ox - oxen | louse - lice |
foot - feet | mouse - mice | child - children |
3. Task. Write down the words in plural (запишіть слова у множині)
4. Task. Fill in the missing letters (вставте пропущені літери в слова)
Pl...ce, l...brary, lang...age, dre...s, fl..., wa...ch, cl...ck, cou...try, ...ye, b...s, bus..., p...rty, r...y, thi....f, co...pany, Ne...ro, m...ss, l...af, w...lf, g...ass, k...y, f...x, h...lf, l...fe, d...y, p...ay, fact...ry, c...ty, col...ny, r...of, mo...th, op...ortunity, jou...ney, s...elf, h...ro. Ma..., w...man, to...th, ...oot, g...ose, ch...ld, mo....se. Po...tman, son-in-l...w, editor-in-ch...ef, f...sherman, sc...oolgirl, s...sterin-law, text-b...ok, pocketkn...fe, pas...erby, st...tesman.
01 April 2020
Тема: Feelings snd emotions
Почуття та емоції
1. Task Introduction the new vocabulary (введення нової лексики)
Вправа 2,4 виписати всі слова з перекладом в зошити!!
2. Task Reading the text " What is emotions?" (Читання тексту "Що таке емоції?"
Emotions are an integral part of human nature. We can better understand people around us due to emotions. We can judge about state of each other and gear up for dialogue or join activity even without having a conversation. Even people of different cultures can see face expressions and then identify what feelings have person at this moment. Through emotions (whether it is anger, happiness, fear, love or loneliness) we have different reactions to the current events which take place around us.
Emotions influence our thoughts, actions and attitude towards one or another subject or situation. Considering the great influence of emotions on human life emotional literacy is of great importance in modern life.
In my opinion the main emotional literacy components are control of emotions, stress tolerance and adequate response. Every person tries to control his/her emotions, but not all the people manage to do it.
- скласти 3 питання до тексту;
- дати відповіді на ваші питання (ПИСЬМОВО).
3. Task Make up the quotations about emotions (скласти цитати про емоції
1. Life is a comedy to those who
D) but a form of fatigue. Andre Gide
2. One thing you can’t hide — is
A) is involuntary. Mark Twain
3. Any emotion, if it is sincere,
E) is the mystic emotion. Albert Einstein
4. The finest emotion of which we are
B) when you’re crippled inside. John Lennon
5. Sadness is almost never anything
C) think, a tragedy to those who feel. Jean Racine
4. Task Looking at the pictures try to guess the meaning of the feelings snd emotions ( дивлячись на малюнки , спробуйте здогадатися про значення слів, які означають емоції ) - УСНО!!!
1. Life is a comedy to those who
D) but a form of fatigue. Andre Gide
2. One thing you can’t hide — is
A) is involuntary. Mark Twain
3. Any emotion, if it is sincere,
E) is the mystic emotion. Albert Einstein
4. The finest emotion of which we are
B) when you’re crippled inside. John Lennon
5. Sadness is almost never anything
C) think, a tragedy to those who feel. Jean Racine
4. Task Looking at the pictures try to guess the meaning of the feelings snd emotions ( дивлячись на малюнки , спробуйте здогадатися про значення слів, які означають емоції ) - УСНО!!!
5. Task Watch the video " Celebrities and Emotions" - Аудіювання "Знаменитості та емоції"
31 March 2020
Тема: Роль молоді в суспільстві
1.Task Lexical exercises (лексичні вправи по темі - письмово!!!)
- put the words in the correct order to make up sentences (скласти речення)
1.life /in Ukraine/is/of youth/What/determined by?
2.led/What/to/an employment/many/youth/people?
3.Why/youth organizations/founded/in Ukraine?
4.How/young people/united/?
5.What/young people/do/?
- fill the gaps with the following words:(заповнити пропуски відповідними словами)
youth organizations, members, to aim, to share, ties, to maintain, interests.
1.There are many ------ in our town.
2.----- of these organizations are people of different ---- but they ---- the views of their organizations. They---- at solving different problems.
3.They also ---- friendly----with organizations of many countries.
2 Task Fill the table Role of youth in our life: pros and cons
(Розподілити твердження на дві колонки За і Проти ) - письмово!!
-Young people today dont care about anything or anyone.
-They take part in charity events.
-They dont seem to want to do anything for themselves.
-Very few young people are vandals.
-The only thing young people worry about is fashion and the way they look.
-In lots of places there are no facilities for the young.
-People who complain about the young often have no contact with them.
-Young people would do more if they were allowed to.
3 Task Listening (Аудіювання) Прослухайте відео про 10 проблем молоді в житті
Заповнити таблицю ПИСЬМОВО після перегляду відео !!
4 Task Reading (читання)
Всі невідомі слова виписати в зошит
25 March 2020
Bad habits of youth
1.Task Introduction the vocabulary
(Введення лексики по темі)
Кросворд (письмово)!!!!
2. Task Agree or disagree with the statements (усно)
Agree or disagree with the statements:
Smoking is a bad habit.
Eating too much sweet is good for your health.
Drinking too much alcohol is a healthy habit.
Eating low-fat food is a bad habit.
Exercising is bad for health.
Washing to the waist and taking a shower is a good habit.
Eating in time is bad for health.
Smoking is a bad habit.
Eating too much sweet is good for your health.
Drinking too much alcohol is a healthy habit.
Eating low-fat food is a bad habit.
Exercising is bad for health.
Washing to the waist and taking a shower is a good habit.
Eating in time is bad for health.
3. Listening "How to break bad habits"
Аудіювання "Як подолати погані звички"
5. Reading the text "So, you think it`s cool to be drunk"
(написати власне висловлювання з цього питання)!!!!!!!
24 March 2020
Problems of youth
1. Task Write down the
"Mind map" (записати схему в зошит)
2. Task Записати лексику по темі в зошит !!!
3. Task Reading the text "Youth problems'
Завдання після тесту Gap filling
(заповнити пропуски) Письмово!!!
4. Listening Аудіювання "Чи легко бути молодим?"
23 March 2020
Тема: Молодіжні течії в Україні
1. Task Reading Робота з текстом
- Complete the sentences in writing form:(доповнити речення письмово)
1) Ukrainian Scouting (under the name Plast) was first established in Ukraine in …
2) The Scouting movement of Ukraine tries to educate its young members to …
3) The three “Main Duties” of Ukrainian Scout (“plastun”) are …
4) Plast is organized into four age-groups: …
5) All Plast organizations in the world are united in …
6) The usual emblem of Scouting organizations in countries around the world is
7) The Ukrainian Scouting emblem combines …
8) The universal Scout greeting is …, which in Ukrainian sounds …
9) Plastuny also have another greeting: …
2. Task Grammar
Prepositions of place (Прийменники місця)
Всі прийменники записати в зошит з перекладом !!!!
- Вставте відповідний прийменник місця. (письмово)
ТЕСТ до підтеми
"Youth organizations"
Код доступу 228036
20 March 2020
Тема: Молодіжні субкультури
Task I Опрацювати наступні презентації
"Готи" https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xZm0GvCnxyOAb0YOSHVimw2tqvEkcQn3
Task II Заповнити таблицю відповідно до презентацій
Reading Читання Опрацювати текст "Subcultures and problems of young people" http://shkola.in.ua/1081-anhliiska-mova-11-klas-burenko-2019.html ст .75
1. Невідомі слова виписати в зошит
2. Дати відповіді на питання письмово в зошиті
3. Скласти план до тексту
1. Невідомі слова виписати в зошит
2. Дати відповіді на питання письмово в зошиті
3. Скласти план до тексту
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